# Brahma Tatwa _o_srijagannath 

 There is no spiritual service among the three billion gods.  There is only their creator and owner, Shri Gannath.

 To give theology, Lord Byasdev says in the first chapter in the Brahmasutra, "Atta Brahma Jijnasa", "Brahma" means the oldest, the greatest, the longest, the greatest, the oldest, the finest, and so on.

 The best documentary of Shri Gannath's Leela Madhurya is the Skandhapurana.  It is said in the fourth chapter of Utkalakhand, ‘Tasmaddarumayam Brahma Vedanteshu Pragiyate’.  The theory of that Daruma Brahma is sung in the Vedanta (Upanishads).

 The mythology of Darubrahma is described in the Puranas;  But the theoretical secrets are sung in all the Upanishads.  Just as the soul leaves the body, the body becomes worthless and merges with the soil, water, air, fire and sky, just as the Vedanta does without the Vedanta.  The scriptures are the final part of the Vedas, Gyan, Kanda or Vedanta, which is the only explanation of Brahma in the self-experience of the sages who attained Brahma Nirvana in ancient times.

 The omnipotent essence is Srimadbhagavatam.  Chapters 30 to 33 of the first chapter and the third verse are as follows: "There is no form of the god Chinmay.  With the help of theories that are important to instill faith in living beings, they take on the form of incarnations in Maya qualities. You are reading this religious discussion from Jay Sri Krishna and Shubh Sakal Telegram Group, if you want to join our group, please follow the link below.  .

 Just as the inanimate sky is covered with clouds and becomes cloudy or dusty in the wind, so the formless god appears in the eyes of the less intelligent people.

 In addition to this gross form, there is another subtle form, which no one can see or hear.  Because of that unexplained theory, living things are born again and again in the world.  When man realizes that he has nothing to do with the soul of this gross and subtle form by the power of his own acquired knowledge, his true knowledge is gained. '

 Svetashvatara Upanishad says, "Neither the appearance of the eye nor the appearance of the eyebrows are considered to be the same as the appearance of the human eye." It does not have the appearance of seeing in the eye, and no one can see it with the naked eye.  When the heart, mind, and mind are dissolved in him, he is transformed;  The one who feels it becomes nectar.

 The Nachiketa anecdote of the Katha Upanishad transcends the spiritual consciousness of the entire human race.  Nachiketa's father told her that he had given her to Yam as a gift after the sacrifice, so he reached Yampuri and stood there for three days without eating or drinking at the door.  Yam arrived and apologized and asked her to give him three grooms.

 As the first bar, Nachiketa sought the success of his father's sacrifice, the second bar as a way to gain the heavenly benefit of the sacrifice, and the identity of Brahma as the third groom.  For the sake of the third groom, Yam gave up the question of Brahma and gave the bridegroom of the universe the opportunity to live forever, but Nachiketa refused and remained only in the question of Brahma.

 Considering Brahma the rightful vessel of knowledge, Yam introduced him to Brahma: ‘O the letter of the car is Brahma, and the letter of the car is the ultimate.  Whoever knows this car, gets what he wants.  He embraces the best form and the car and the supreme form and the car and gains knowledge about him, he is exalted in the spiritual people. '

 Mr. Jagannath is the car.  The whole Mandukya Upanishad is the interpretation of the car theory.  The second mantra is, 'Sarvam hi etad brahma ayamatma brahma soyamatma chatuspata' - This whole universe is Brahma, this soul is Brahma and the soul is Charipada Bala.

 The eighth mantra says that the most solemn step of the Soyamatmadhyaksharamonkar is the foot of the ‘A’ car, the ‘U’ car, the ‘M’ car Iti - and the car is three dimensions ‘A’, ‘U’, ‘M’.  ‘A’ is the entire awakened cosmic universe, ‘U’ is the dreamy diamond form before the creation of the cosmic universe, and ‘M’ is the state of return of the diamond womb into supernatural meaning.

 The fourth step of the four-legged soul is the immortal trumpet theory of Brahma, which has no form, imagination, form, or consciousness.  All these symptoms are present in the wood idol of Shri Jagannath.  Srivigraha is the embodiment of Vedanta theory.  Indradyumna rescued the tree from the sky and asked how the idol would be built.

 Narad replied, "There is no end to God's death, even if you try, it is invisible."  At that moment, the empty voice said, "The universe is voluntary - the universe will be descended from nothing."  Then God appeared in the form of a Maharana.  He is called the "Eternal Maharana" in the Puranas because his form has no end.

 In the third universe, Chapter 2 of the Great Upanishad states that his form has no end, it is said that "Net Neti" (Nita Niti).  Brahma means the oldest.  The body that came to the Eternal Maharana was in a state of disrepair, with her knees bent at the waist, which is why Queen Gundicha feared her death as the sound was silenced fifteen days later in the closed temple.

 The disappearance of the Eternal Maharana is described in the Puranas after the opening of the temple.  However, there is information in the Ritreya Upanishads that the human body is composed by the opening of the spiritual hole in the idol - "He is still possessed by the Bima Vidyaitaya."

 In all the scriptures, Jagadishwar is described as the eternal eternally infinitely infinitely inexhaustible inexhaustible inexhaustible inexhaustible invisible intangible universe, while who built this wooden idol on the gem throne that the eternal Maharana created?

 The answer is that the first of the three feet of the car Brahma Swarup is A ((Mandukya Upanishad-Third Mantra)), which is the visible universe of the awakened place.  Sarit Taru Gana, Mountain Stable Jangam, Kundal Shashi Dinkar, Nakshatra Mal Hridehar.

 The universe is in turmoil, so it's at the bottom of the hair.  Hello Lord Jagannath, your body is the world. 'What we call the idol of Shri Gannath is the body of the tree, the whole visible eternal eternal universe.  There was a tree from the shores of the sky, "Upper root half-branch prahurabhyam" (Gita-15: 1) -That chapter is the tree form of the Supreme Spirit, the branches up and down.

 This mantra is found in the ninth chapter of the Katha Upanishad and Srimadbhagavatam.  God is the original and he is above.  The second step of the car form is the second and the third step is M (the comprehension of these two quantities is always the most difficult matter in this short article).

 So philosophers can see Srivigraha in the eyes of knowledge while looking at the car.  Adi Shankaracharya uttered in his first vision, ‘The Scientific Spirit’!  This means that the soul (spirit) has made itself a five-dimensional declaration in front of the human eye.

 During the Great Depression, the anxieties of non-religious workers have shocked the world.  The image of Brahma is spreading on the Internet - the yellow cloth on the yellow cloth is scattering the circle, and the yellow light is coming out below.

 Such a description of Brahma is not found in any scripture.  The maker of the fake image forgot that the spirit material was placed on the bed in silver.  The picture does not have all this.

 Is Brahma a tangible substance?  The Kane Upanishad (1: 3) says, "Neither the eye nor the vision nor the farewell" - the eye cannot reach him, the power of speech cannot reach him, the mind or intellect or wisdom cannot reach him.  He is invisible to the eyes, skin, mind, intellect, speech, and wisdom.  All the Vedanta scriptures say the same thing.

 The Svatasvatara Upanishads say, ‘Tad Veda Guhya Upanishads Gudh Tad Brahma Vedate Brahma Yoning’ - The secret mysterious theory of the Vedas is printed in the Upanishads.  Brahma knows that the origin of Brahma is one of the Upanishads mantras. You are reading this religious discussion from Jai Sri Krishna and Shubh Sakal Telegram Group. If you want to join our group, you can join by opening the link below.

 Spiritual virtues and virtues are of two kinds.  Nirgun is a formless form.  Saguna is the whole universe-five-dimensional substance that is clearly visible from the combination of Sattva, Raj and Tam qualities.

 Saguna Brahma is the sky, the soil, the water, the wind, the God, the soil or the stone.  What is seen, touched, is Saguna Brahma.  Just as the soul is within man, so is the spirit within Jagannath.  How to touch, how to see?

 If it is possible to see and touch the formless spirit that holds the eternal universe, then all the Vedas will be thrown into the sea or buried in the ground and the line "Vedanteshu Prachiyate" will be cut off from the Skanda Purana.

 The ignorant people of the Kali Yuga will not be able to understand the Vedanta theories, says the Upanishad of the Shwetasvat (4:22).  ‘Vedanta param guhyang purakalpe pracheditam, naprashantaya donation naputrayashisaya or re’ - The ancient secrets of the Vedanta, written in ancient times, give work, anger, greed, affection, a pacified person to a person who is not a son or a disciple.

 Similar teachings are given in the Srimad-Bhagavatam (3: 32: 37 and 40), the Mundak Upanishad (1: 2: 13), the Chandogya Upanishad (3: 11: 5 and 7), and the Haribhansh Purana and other texts.  It is clear from the Great Depression that Jagadishwar may be merciful, perhaps to awaken consciousness among them - "Yamaivaish vrnute ten lavya" - to whom he has compassion he acquires this knowledge.  He is the one who pierces the spiritual mystery.

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