Antahkarna (Maya) sudhi

Identify your problems and resolve the memories, fantasies and limiting beliefs frozen in them. Then your power and energy will easily flow into solutions via Universe. The more you apply Logosynthesis (empowering yourself) , the more open your connection to the Universe will be. When doing healing we often use commands, decrees, affirmations etc. to create thought-forms to influence reality. The basic point is that you have to be careful what you say because it will become real. When you do this kind of work you develop a certain power. Over time your words will be very effective change agents because you are practiced in the art of using them to effect change.

Sun is the symbol of light, equality and punctuality. Sun is impartial and never craves for any Prize, Price and Praise. This is the virtues that we humans have to imbibe from Sun. Human Mind works from two different angles like Uttarayana or dhakhinayana one which is focused on the sophisticated skills for survival and the other is the capacity to distinguish between to do and not to do. The former is cleverness while the later is wisdom.

Cleverness has its base in “Medha Shakti” (intelligence) and enables one to quickly grasp the content of the subject he studies and retains the matter in his memory without any lapse to use it at appropriate times for his benefit. The current generation adore this angle to survive in this world which is hovering with the concept of Global Village, Capitalism, and Avarice. Wisdom has its base in “Dhi Shakti” (intellect) and enables one to be selfless and retain his true nature and relating to others in a sincere and straight forward way.

In Astrological understanding the Lagna is Deha (Body), Atma is Surya (Sun) and Manas is Chandra (Moon) correspondingly these are self (Lagna), Father (Sun) and Mother (Moon). It is but natural that a better definition of the moment of birth would be the angular displacement of the Moon from Sun, instead of just the natal Sun position. Although by defining thus we should never belittle the importance of the Sun as it is Atmakaraka. In a broader sense being born as a human is the highest expression of nature. Though we possess everything that animals and other living creatures have, we as humans are a bit different.

We not only think like how the other species do, but we have the ability to evaluate our thoughts. This unique feature allows us to make moral and spiritual progress by eliminating thoughts that hurt ourselves and others. We can drive away the negative thoughts by reflecting upon their root causes, realizing the futility of negativity, becoming aware that past cannot be undone, reading and learning from scriptures, and so on. We can advance mentally, emotionally and spiritually, thus can even attain Self-realization by becoming awareness of oneness with the life force that permeate the entire Universe. Transcending all the illusions of limitations, and realizing this oneness with the Absolute Consciousness is the ultimate purpose of our life.

Nature has provided us with fully equipped Deha (Body) and we have Samskara (Impressions) & Vasanas (Tendencies) which propel the Trigunas (Three Characters) to pace our Manas (Mind) working along with Chitta (Memory) for this ultimate purpose. We have to attain this supreme goal with our own Buddhi (Intellect). However our ancients who have gained wisdom in the past can only guide us by showing the path. We ourselves would have to thread the path to find and realize the Truth. It doesn’t matter what day or Tithi one is born as anyone born on any day is entitled for Self-Realisation anytime. To experience the Antaryami within is not possible with a clouded Antahkarna, the inner conscience. This Antahkarana comprises of:

Manas: which always interacts with the world through the sensory organs and it is called Mind.

Buddhi: The realm of thoughts and faculty of Discrimination and it is called Intellect.

Chitta: the massive storehouse of inherent Impressions (Vasanas) and Tendencies (Samskara) formed as a consequence of repeated actions performed in the present as well as previous births and it is called Memory. And finally

Ahamkara: The predominant notion of one's own personality like “I am so and so” and it is called Ego.

These four faculties of the Antahkarna has to be clean to experience Antaryami. When there is discipline in mind without chaos the Antahkarna will automatically become Clean (Shuddha) as crystal, with a crystal clear Antahkarna, the evil of Ignorance (Maya) which is like the dust on the screen is lifted. With the veil of Ignorance gone Antaryami, the in-dwelling entity in every individual like water in the depths of the earth is sure to grace the Mind with vision.

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