16th Reformation

             The culture of traditional Hinduism is based on "reform".  The sages invented reforms to make human life sacred and dignified.  Not just from a religious point of view
 Reforms also have special significance in our lives.

            The significance of these reforms is crucial to the greatness of Indian culture.

            In ancient times, our work began with reform.  At that time, the number of reforms was about forty.  With the passage of time, some of the reforms have become extinct due to the increase in the intensity of human life.  As time went on, the number of reforms began to be determined.  The Gautam Memorial mentions forty types of reforms.  Maharshi Angira has introduced these in twenty-five reforms.  Sixteen reforms are described in the memory of Beas. In our theology, sixteen reforms are also mainly described.  It includes the first abortion and the funeral until the funeral.  After conception, menstruation, cementation, birth control, naming, etc. are performed to establish a relationship with the newborn's natural world.  After naming, chudakarma and sacrificial rites are performed.  The marriage is then reformed.  This is one of the most important aspects of home life.  This is one of the most important rituals for Hindu women and men to perform at birth.

         There are some differences in the order of the reforms in the various scriptures, but in the order of the existing reforms there are abortions, masculinity, semantics, caste, naming, exorcism, food distribution, chudakarma, vidyarambha, karnavedha, yajnopabhita, vendarambhe,

           Reforms from the womb to the beginning are also called the abortion.  The first three are called abortion, and the subsequent reforms are called abortion.  Abortion is also called guilt or remission.  Guilt reform means reforming the religion and actions of the child from a pre-birth point of view, as well as guilt and corruption in the womb.  The other six reforms are called quality reforms.  This reform is done to increase the sevenfold quality of man after he has been cleansed.

            The sages have established this reform by making many experiments and efforts to make us prosperous and social.  Indian culture has become unique to these reforms.  However, over the years, there has been a decline in the number of traditionalists, who have been neglecting the value of religion, and as a result, they have been subjected to moral degradation, insensitivity, anti-social behavior, and indifference to teachers.

           It is important to change with the passage of time, but it is not right for us to disobey the basic demonic principles established by our sages.

 Let us briefly discuss the reforms in order.

 1. Pregnancy (garbha dana)
 2- Punsaban (punshabana)
 3. Boundary selection (simontnnyana)
 4. Birth control (jata karma)
 5. Naming (nama karana)
 4. External infections, (Bahir niskarmana)
 4. Food management (annapaserna)
 4. Chudakarma (chuda karma)
 4. Education (bidyarambha)
 10. Ear piercings (karnabhada)
 11. Sacrifice (jagyapobita)
 12. Bedarambha (bedarambha)
 13. Hair (kesanta)
 16. Convergence (sama bartana)
 15. Marriage (bibaha)
 14- Funeral (anthasty)

 1. Pregnancy

        According to our scriptures, pregnancy is the first of the sixteen reforms.  This reform has been recognized as the first duty since entering home life.  The main purpose of home health is to have the best child.  Parents who want to have a good child should do this to cleanse their minds and bodies before they become pregnant.  In the Vedic period, this reform was considered very important.

 2- Punsaban

        This reform is beneficial for the mental development of the unborn child.  There are provisions for this reform in the second or third month of pregnancy.  Muni Russians say the reforms, which are aimed at procreation, are inevitable.  This reform of the fetus is produced in the auspicious constellation.  This masculine reform is needed for the birth of healthy and good children.  Pregnancy should be reformed by calculating special dates and planets.

 3-Boundary selection

        Border crossing is also called border crossing or border reform.  "It simply came to our notice then.  The main purpose of this reform is to protect the unborn child and the mother without abortion.  Through this reform, lucky women wear scarlet on the head of the pregnant woman to please the pregnant woman.  This reformation is performed in the sixth or eighth month of pregnancy.

 4. Birth control

        There is a provision for this reform before the newborn is cut off.  Honey and ghee are dipped in gold pieces for the intellect, strength and longevity of the boy who comes in direct contact with this divine world, as well as chanting Vedic mantras.  This reform is performed with special mantras and rituals.  After mixing two drops of ghee and six drops of honey, the newborn's father performs the mantra in particular, and prays for the newborn to be intelligent, strong, healthy and long-lived.  The mother then breastfed the boy.

 5. Naming

         This reform is performed on the eleventh day after the birth of the child.  In our religion, the Acharya says that one should observe impurity from birth to ten days.  So there is a provision to make this reform eleven days.  Maharshi Yajnabalkya also gave this opinion.  Some scholars, however, have suggested that the reform should be done on auspicious stars or auspicious days.
            Naming reform is more important in traditional religions.  Muni Russians say the name is more influential because it helps in personality development.  That is why it is said that the name of Rama is greater than Rama.  Our theologians have discovered naming reform after many trials.  Astrology refers to the outline of the future based on the name.

 4. Excretion

      The main purpose of this reform is to increase the child's relationship with the divine world and to acquaint himself with the creation of Brahma, to preserve religion and dignity for a long time, and to enjoy it in this mortal world.  The purpose of the outbreak is to get out.  This reform has the provision of showing the child the light of the sun and the moon.  The purpose is to make the child aware of Lord Bhaskar's radiance and the coldness of the moon.  Behind this, the Muni Russians plan to make their baby bright and humble.  On that day, the vision of the gods and goddesses and the blessings of a child's long and prosperous life are taken from him. There is a provision for this reform in the fourth month of birth.  For up to three months, the baby's body is not adapted to the external environment, such as severe drought, strong winds, etc., so the baby should be kept at home for about three months with great care.  The baby should then be brought into contact with the external environment.  The main purpose of this reform is to bring the child into the society and make him aware of the social situation.

 4. Food management

 The purpose of this reform is to focus on the physical and mental development of the child.  The implication of the diet is that in order to make the baby physically and mentally strong and intelligent, the baby should be considered to be the soul in the scriptures in exchange for milk.  Food has the greatest contribution to strengthening the body and mind.  Pure, nutritious and nutritious foods keep the body healthy and live a healthy mind in a healthy body.  When food is pure, the heart is pure, and the mind, intellect, and soul are nourished by all.  That is why this reform is so important in our lives.

 The clergy have suggested that the sixth month of birth is the right time to eat food.  Breastfeeding is said to be good for babies.  'Amritah Kshirbhojanam' In our scriptures, milk is said to be as good as nectar.

 4-Final work

         Chudakarma is also called shaving reform.  "Our Acharya has a provision for the boy to be reformed in the first, third or fifth year of his life. The idea was to bring about clean and intellectual development by this sage in the minds of the sages," he said.  The idea of ​​shaving reform is to cut off the unclean hair produced at birth.  Some contaminated germs are present in the hair during pregnancy for up to nine months.  These are all cleansed by shaving.  According to astrology, there is a provision to perform this reform at a good time.  This reform is performed with Vedic mantras.

 4. Education

            There is a difference of opinion among the Acharya about the order of the Reformation.  According to some Acharya, education should be reformed after the food service, while others believe that this should be reformed after the completion of the process.  In my opinion, the baby does not start talking during the meal, and the child's tendency to learn until the end is awakened.  For this, it seems appropriate to reform the curriculum after the completion of the work.  The purpose of the course is to introduce the child to the early stages of education.  In ancient times, when there was a gurukula tradition, boys were first introduced to the letter at home before sending it to study.  Parents and teachers first practiced verbally reciting verses, legends, etc., so that there would be no difficulty in the gurukula.  Our scriptures are passionate about science.  The scripture says that "Sa Vidya Ya Bimuktaye" means the one who helps to liberate is called Vidya.  Science or knowledge is the means of human spiritual development.  Education should be reformed by setting good times.

 10. Ear piercings

        The sages went on to present all the reforms from a scientific point of view and present them.  The basis of ear piercing reform is completely scientific.  The main purpose of the reform is to protect children from physical illness.  All the parts of this body given by nature are important.  The ear is the door to our hearing.  Ear piercings can cure diseases and increase hearing.  In addition, earrings are a great way to enhance your beauty.

 11. Sacrifice

         Sacrifice or ascetic reform is of paramount importance for intellectual development.  Religious and spiritual upliftment is fully integrated in this reform.  The sages have made it a point to embezzle the Vedanta Gayatri through this reform.  Even in the modern age, special Gayatri mantras have been tested.  Gayatri is the most powerful mantra.

 "Yajnopavitam is the most holy", which means the yajnopavitam, also known as yajnasutra, is very sacred.  Butterflies have built it naturally.  This reform is a factor in life expectancy, strength and energy.  Our theology has a special mention of this reform.  Sacrifice also has a scientific significance.  Sacrifice was practiced in the eighth century, when there was a gurukula tradition in ancient times.  The boy then went to Gurukul for study.  The boy was celibate by the Yajnopavit, which was celebrated until he came to the house.  The purpose of this reform is to motivate boys to improve their spiritual development with a balanced life.

 12. Bedarambha

        This reform is related to knowledge acquisition.  The Vedas mean knowledge.  The purpose of this reform is to initiate the accumulation of children's knowledge among themselves through initiation.  The scripture says that there is no second revelation than knowledge.  It is clear that in ancient times, this reform was of great importance in human life.  After the sacrifice, the boys were sent to a worthy Acharya for the study of the Vedas and the acquisition of eminent knowledge.  Prior to his departure, Acharya had promised his disciples to observe the celibate vows and to lead a modest life, and after examinations he would go and meditate on them.  Irregular lifestyles were not considered to be the authority of the Vedas.  Our four Vedas are an inexhaustible store of knowledge.

 13. Hair

 The reform was performed in front of the Acharya after the completion of the Vedadhyayana in Gurukul.  In fact, the reform is a step in the right direction.





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